About Angelica Arc

About Angelica Arc.

She is foremost an Energy Facilitator who through providing unconditional love can offer you integrated healing. She has many qualities including being a Reiki Master and Rahanni Practioner, a chakra balancer, a channeler, a high frequency guide, a life coach and a certified Light Worker Space Clearer.

What Can Angelica Arc offer?

Angelica Arc can help you get from where you ARE, to where you want to BE.

Angelica Arc provides Whole Healing, and helps people to be excited and energized every single day….through the use of varying tools : ✨ Integrated Healing (using unconditional love), ✨ Energetic Healings (Reiki Master and Rahanni Practioner),✨ The Five Elements (water, fire, wood, metal and air),✨ Space Home Clearings (including Feng Shui). ✨ Sacred Geometry, ✨ Light Language, ✨ Hot and Cold Basalt Stones and Gem Aura Crystals,✨ Angel Readings, ✨ Soul Purpose Findings, ✨Better Health Practices, and ✨Inner Goddess/Divine Feminine Movements – to help balance the emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, psychological and astral aspects of self.

You Are The Answer!

Angelica Arc is here to enlighten those that choose to see the light. She helps people to realize that life happens for and through them and not to them. Life is an experience for growth. She often says: “Once you realize that you are and have always been in control of your own destiny, then you will also come to understand that there is no need to look around you for that pot of gold or rainbow, or simply put  « the answer». You are the answer! Everything you have ever been searching for is found within you. So take a deep dive with Angelica Arc and come up feeling refreshed, invigorated and foremost filled with an excitement and gratitude for life.

Why The Name Angelica Arc & Why That logo?

Angelica Arc’s first name is Angela, and feels the name was given to her for a reason, as it means « messenger ». She later came to understand that the instant knowing and voices were in fact her connection to her higher self/angels/divine… She believes that when you pray or ask the universe for help, you are doing the talking, and when you have intuitive pings, or instant knowing, then you universe is responding. Angelica Arc is known for holding a loving space open to all people that enters her realm, and therefore people have said that she offers an arc, a safe haven of sorts. Her love of the “weeping willow tree” is poignant as the tree itself represents balance, learning, growth, and harmony. Everything that she teaches and represents herself. The “meditating lady” is how she sits when in a state of self care. Pure and simple. Authentic. 


Born in London, UK, she moved to Paris, France in 2002. Fifteen years experience within the international corporate marketing world excited Angelica Arc, up until the birth of her three children, when her priorities changed. A significant yet minor health issue, enabled her to reconsider her career and in 2011, she moved into the wellness (nutrition) business. She loved helping people to feel great…. but something was still missing.

Angelica started listening closely to some intuitive pings in the very beginning of 2017, and invested in a “certified life coaching” course, which she excelled at, and became a “mentor” to the class of 2019. Angelica Arc propelled herself into a “certified whole healing life coaching” course, which included: healing with guided meditations, masculine versus feminine style healing, pattern, persona and pure frequency and energy theories. Angelica Arc went onto become a “certified light worker” after becoming interested in reading angel cards. It was after a “life changing certified energy healing experience” in Sedona, Phoenix USA, that her energetic healing gift was awakened, and she now trains students in the practice of Reiki, and incorporates a wide range of differing modalities, including Rahanni, symbols, sacred geometry, crystals, hot and cold basalt stones, essential oils, color therapy, light language, meditation, channeling, space clearing and much much more. In 2019 Angelica launched « Angelica Arc Coaching », and entered into the second part of her life, as a “certified intuitively led coaching guide and energy healer”. 


✨ Completed Courses: Abundance For Life, Authentic Creation, Health For Higher Consciousness, Mandy 365, Authentic Energy – Authentic Living For Life, 2018-2019. ✨ Parenting That Heals – Dr Sandy Gluckman, Studies in Interpersonal Neurobiology, 2019. ✨ Certified Practioner of Love and Authenticity Coaching – Mandy Morris – Love Frequency Coach, 2019. ✨ Certified Practioner of Sacred Geometry Love Healing – Oliver Nino – Spiritual Activator, 2019. ✨ Certified Whole Healing Practioner – Mandy Morris – Love Frequency Coach, 2020. ✨ Dream Builder 3 Day Online Seminar & 12 Week Course, Dream Builder, Mary Morrissey – Brave Thinking Institute, Author and Empowerment Specialist, 2020. ✨ Usui Ryoho Reiki Certificates, Levels I, II and III Master Practioner & Advanced Techniques. Ellabird Academy – Life and Spiritual Educator, 2019.✨ Living The Five Elements Course, Donna Eden – Eden Method Energy Tools For Optimal Living. (2021). ✨ Eden Energy Medicine For Pain, Weekend Live Training, 2021, ✨ Eden Energy Medicine For Trauma, Live Training, 2023.✨Energy Psychology, David Feinstein, 2023. ✨The Diamond Inlay, 2024. ✨Animal Reiki Practioner, Ellabird Academy, Life and Spiritual Educator, 2019. ✨ Animal Communicator, (Whale Song Activation), Sephirah Starsong – Esoteric Knowledge, Expert in Energetics, 2019. ✨ Certified Work Your Light Course, Creating A Life’s Work, Not A Season. Rebecca Campbell – Visionary, Author and Mystic, 2019. ✨ Certified Light Worker Practioner, includes courses on : Self-Care, Inner Critic, Frequency, Crystals and Crystal Grids, Space Clearing, House Blessings, Intuition – Ellabird Academy, Life and Spiritual Educator, 2020. ✨ Play in Light Language, 7 Day Workshop, Writing, Art, Music, Movement, Meditation, Activation – Mary-Catherine McNena Pathak – Soul Alignment Facilitator, 2020. ✨ Light Language Activator Exchange, Keleena Malnar – Quantum Energy Healer, 2020. ✨ Mindset Mastery, Releasing Mindset Blocks – Abi Levine, Manifestation Coach, 2019. ✨ Emotional Transformation Bootcamp – Hypnotherapy, NLP, Timeline Therapy – Abi Levine, Manifestation Coach, 2020. ✨ The Ascension Arena, Remembering Your True Nature and Soul Purpose, Anna Wood – Channeler, Healer, Spiritual Master, 2020-2021.✨Meditation Certificate, Education into the Philosophy and Technique of Mantra Meditation, Deepak Chopra – Alternative Medicine Advocate, 2021-2022. ✨ Ho-oponopono Certificate – Energy Cleaning Through The Release Of Negative Emotional, Mental, Conscious and Sub-conscious memories, Dr Joe Vitale and Dr Hew Len, 2020-2021. ✨ The Breathe – Live Online Weekend Retreat – Wim Hof, February 2021.✨ Rahanni Celestial Healing – Neshla Avey the main Guardian of Rahanni trained by the Founder, Carol Stacey, April 2024.

*Certificates available on demand and are on view in Angelica Arc’s place of work (healing space).